Your gall bladder is worth fighting for!
Your gall bladder is a small pouch-like organ that lives underneath the section of your liver that resides on the right side of your body under your ribs. This small and essential organ stores bile made by your liver. Bile is made up of cholesterol, bilirubin, and bile salts. It is released as needed upon eating to digest fats in your diet. The bile is released into the small intestine via the bile tract, small tubes going from the liver to the small intestine.
The most common treatment used, and if you google it basically the only treatment, is a cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal surgery). This can leave someone feeling relieved of some of the symptoms they were having but with many more, they may experience for the rest of their life.
Complications of gall bladder surgery:
#1 Postcholecystectomy Diarrhea
#2 Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction-The sphincter in the small intestine does not relax and this prevents bile from entering the small intestine.
#3 Nausea and vomiting
#4 IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome)
#5 BAM-A condition where there is dysfunction in the way the bile acids are processed.
#6 More medications-which come with their own complications.
#7 Avoiding foods
My Story
To include all the details of my life that led me to the days of gall bladder dysfunction would take a book, which I do plan on writing at some point. Turns out when we find ourselves really sick its usually a whole collection of things in our lives that have led to it. A life of lifestyle and diet choices that are not great but its what we or/and our parents know and we do our best with what we know.
Anyway, I had stomach problems my whole life so when I started to feel nauseous all the time mixed with being so bloated I looked 7 months pregnant, I did not think anything of it really. I had had internal scopes in every directions with the results leading to… are fine. Biopsies leading to….you are fine. Tests of all fluids and imaging of all sorts, you guessed it, leading to ….you are fine.
Eventually, after a year in bed much of the time and so nauseous I could hardly lift my head up I found a Dr to dig a little deeper. He sent me to have a nuclear medicine test of my gall bladder. During this test, you are injected with a type of dye into your veins and then another product that acts as a fat to the digestive system. All of this took 2 hours to even reach my gall bladder and when it did my gall bladder did nothing with it. This is not good. This told us clearly my gall bladder was paralyzed so much that it was not working at all.
What paralyzes it you ask. Sludge. Years of eating too much food, the wrong foods, not chewing enough, alcohol, medications, not moving enough, and more foods that restrict the digestive tracts and keep the liver from working properly.
What is the cure…..remove your gall bladder and continue to live the same life and eat the same things, just cut out a little of the fats. The bad news is that our bodies love and need certain fats. When they called me to schedule the appt to cut out my gallbladder a voice in my head said “this is a bad idea”. When I thought about it, I thought that cave men probably were not doing this. That nature did not make a mistake and give us an organ “we don’t need”.
After this call, I went searching and I found an angle. This angle was in the form of a beautiful Oriental Medicine Dr and healer with long black hair and years of experience helping the body heal itself. I was all in with her program. I immediately stocked my fridge with fruits and vegetables, my cupboard with the supplements, and my time with colonics, massages, and yoga. I did 15 colon and liver cleanses over the span of 3 years but it was in those first three days that all my symptoms went away. The debilitating anxiety, sleepless nights, nausea, heartburn, sadness, fear, pain, and inability to eat or drink much of anything, all was gone.
I became a believer in all I was taught as I could fully see with my own eyes the years and years of build-up releasing. I could feel its grip on me leaving and a vitality flush through me that I did not know before.
I have done yearly maintenance cleanses ever since and have changed my diet and lifestyle so this never happens again. I do things that support my body, digestion, and liver on a daily basis. I have never had any gallbladder symptoms since. I do not have to experience the side effects that can change your quality of life when you remove very much-needed organs.
I know that sometimes it is a very urgent matter and there is a time and a place. I also believe with the correct lifestyle and nutritional adjustments you can live a full healthy life after having your gallbladder removed. I think there are always things to try before jumping to the knife in a non-urgent matter. And even more so, I strongly believe you can do pretty simple lifestyle changes before anything becomes an issue. This is key to living a healthy and happy life throughout your time on this planet. The planet is changing and we are all filters for the toxins. Let's help our bodies to be able to keep up so we can smile and feel vibrant while living our best lives.
How problems start
Your liver is one of the main key players when it comes to detoxing our bodies. It must process everything and eliminate it through the body's detox pathways. Our livers must process and eliminate old and extra things our bodies naturally produce such as cholesterol and estrogen. This process becomes backed up and sluggish when it's busy detoxing toxins put in our bodies, such as alcohol and too many medications. The liver with prioritize detoxing these toxins and therefore the more natural biproducts start to build up in our bodies to unhealthy levels. We then are diagnosed with things such as high cholesterol and put on more meditations and it keeps going.
How to keep your liver and gallbladder healthy.
#1 Eating small portions and chewing fulling
#2 Drink water 30 mins before meals instead of with meals
#3 Eat Bitters
#4 Stay away from Caffeine, alcohol, unnecessary medications, toxic lotions and cosmetics, processed foods, and transfats.
#5 Do colon and liver cleanses with a Dr with experience
#6 Keep detox pathways open
#7 Drink green tea, and dandelion tea.
#8 Eat Tumerick, Grapefruit, cruciferous vegetables, beets, lemons, limes, and an overall variety of foods.